Sunday, December 26, 2010

Awesome thoughts!

As the old year passes, I though it'd be appropriate to blog a little on the thoughts foremost in my mind.

What shocked me most as I thought of how fast yet another year has passed, is that Avatar was in theaters over a year ago now! Just think about that for a moment; I remember going to watch it like it was yesterday...

Speaking of yesterday, I was over at Zach's house yesterday and we played a few rounds of Apples to Apples with his family. That got me thinking about how the college application process is really just a high stakes game of Apples to Apples. Your essay is equivalent to a really really good noun card (or at least I hope it's a really really good one), and you put it into the pile thinking for sure that it's the best card ever! But then, you never really know how the judge is going to pick. Your sense of humor never changes, but you will or won't be selected depending on the judge. I think that Apples to Apples is a perfect example of how important the individual perspective of the judge or admissions officer is. And also how biased it is :O

I just saw a trailer for *drum roll* the second season of V!!! I have been dying to watch it! I guess not that many people are into it or have heard of it, but I just loved the first season :] The trailer looks so good!...and it doesn't hurt that there's an epic character named Anna :P

All I could think the first time I saw it was Ahhhhh V is back! The second time watching it, all I could think was Don LaFontaine RIP. So, in memory of pure awesome, I've decided to embed a video I found a ways back:

Don't you just love the Disney dude? Maybe I should just become a voice over artist.

I know I haven't blogged in a bit, and my blogs haven't been as regular, but life's just kind of boring lately. Maybe I should find a co-blogger? Would any of you be interested in that? As in both interested in reading from another blogger or interested in becoming a co-blogger. Either way, for the time being, you're stuck with boring old me :D And today I had some
Awesome thoughts!
Food for thought:
Really, what do you think about me adding a co-blogger?
How excited are you for V2? (Please say you've at least heard of the show. If not, check it out!)
Do you think the college application process is fair?
If you find it unfair, can you think of a better method?



  2. Very good comparison of college admissions to Apples-to-Apples. I especially dislike it when I save up an epic card like "Motel" or "My future" or "My 16th birthday" or "Mao" for the perfect moment and when that time comes, it doesn't get picked :(

    Unfortunately, I can't think of another way to do college admissions :'(

    I would totally love to co-blog w/ you! I just don't have cool things to blog about like you D:

    Avatar was that long ago?!?!?! O_____O Come to think of it, the Inception hype feels quite far off now, too... Swine flu was long ago too, whoa...

    I have also considered doing voice-overs, but I don't have experience for that. All I've done is record English for Chinese people learning english cds
