Saturday, October 23, 2010

I hope they get here soon...

I'm probably going to get bored of blogging soon, so while it's all fine and new, I'll just write a few extra to compensate for those dry spells when I won't write for weeks like my friends Rich and Indraneel (I don't get his latest post though, is that the phone in school? I heard it ring once and it was epic).

I'm eating as I write. Doesn't my lunch look mad asian?

Screw facebook for saying I'm 0% asian! I eat rice! (albeit with a spoon. where are my chopsticks???)

Yesterday I killed my last contacts. The obvious solution would be to just wear my glasses, but you see, I was wearing my contacts as a replacement for my glasses, so that's not going to work out. I've had contacts since 8th grade, but I only started wearing them lately for the following reasons:

1. I'm mad scared of getting those nose and ear prints and I was starting to get paranoid that I was getting them
2. It's annoying putting sunglasses on top of glasses, so I usually just wear contacts during the summer
3. I have three pairs of glasses. One cheap pair from Sam's Club that are from 8th grade and defunct. The other I chipped the second week after getting them (the water drop everyone kept pointing out). I wore them for over a year without getting them fixed but they're officially broken now. The third pair was put through not only the washer but the the dryer as well...Needless to say, it didn't survive.

As I am desperate for vision, I decided to salvage the only functioning pair, the one that only needs a cosmetic makeover.

I'm coloring in the missing paint with black sharpie. But, don't fear people because I am getting new glasses soon (maybe next weekend?) For my birthday this year, I have requested that my parents get me glasses :)

What kind of glasses do you suggest? It's actually kind of a big deal. Though we don't often notice it, glasses really say something about you. Should I go for a smart look, or maybe a fobby look, or a preppy look...I'll probably just pick the ones I find prettiest. If you have any suggestions, I'm all eyes!

In the meantime, I ordered a case of new contacts last weekend. For obvious reasons,
I hope they get here soon...

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