Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm done with college applications!

I remember joking back in December how Hofstra University had sent me an email everyday reminding me of their application deadline, and then on the date of the deadline when I rejoiced at never again receiving an email from them, they sent me notification that they'd extend the deadline by 4 days for me. Four days later when I still had not applied to this school, I assumed that that would be the last I'd see of that college. And how wrong I was because four months past their "application deadline" I received an email:

"Hofstra deadline extension granted"
Most of you are probably wondering why I haven't just unsubscribed to their emails. It's because I foolishly kept believing that their deadline was actually going to be over and that at that time, naturally I'd stop receiving emails from them. Little did I think that over four months after their supposed deadline I'd still be receiving spam from them. Well, no more because I have officially unsubscribed from Hofstra University!

Yet another demon in my life that needs to get the message is Collegeboard. Yesterday, they had the audacity to send me an email reminding me to apply for the next SAT testing date. Uhm, I don't think so!

"Anna, whatever you want to be, college can help!"
After years of having been tormented by this website and their "Questions of the Day" which I had redirected to a separate email address, I have at last unsubscribed from Collegeboard, and good riddance! Few moments in my life have been more satisfying. Through seemingly small measures such as these and regaining my identity on Facebook, I feel as though I am reclaiming my life. At long last,
I'm done with college applications!

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