Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chill. Breathe. Relax.

Yay! First semester, whether we survived it or not, is finally over!

Second semester senior? *pinch* Doesn't really feel any different. It's kind of like my birthday each year - I wait for some grand telling sign or gesture that I'm now one year older, one year wiser, but usually just end up feeling the same as I had the day before. When I turned 18, I thought that I'd, I don't know, suddenly be an adult, but believe me, that has yet to happen.

I thought that the moment midterms were done, that suddenly a giant weight would be lifted and that I'd suddenly become that infamous second semester senior. Truth is however, it doesn't really feel very different at all. Homework? Still doing it, albeit last second, but since when was that something unusual. Senioritis? Caught it back in freshman year. Teachers? Tough as ever. Sleep? Still not getting any. Stress? Sky high. To do list? Mile long. Free time? Tell you later.

I'm hoping that once I know which college I'll be going to, this feeling will abate, but something tells me that it won't be quite as relieving as I've made it out to be in my mind. Anyhow, for the time being, I've decided to try adopting the mantra:
Chill. Breathe. Relax.


  1. i've been chilling for a while now.. and for some reason, i get to school earlier than i ever did first semester! prob because i decide not to do hw in the morning :D

  2. :) i want to have a 90's theme party - dunkaroos and old nickelodeon cartoons :) and hit clips ...

  3. melissa procrastinatingFebruary 15, 2011 at 7:37 PM

